• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Spring 1 in Year 2

Our current topic is ‘Life in the Freezer’ and is all about polar lands and the animals that live there.  We have an upcoming visit on the 5th February to Yorkshire Wildlife Park which will include a workshop all about polar bears.

In Science we are very lucky to be working with Mr Pearson from Forest Schools, learning all about habitats of different animals.  This week we have talked about how we can tell which animals are using our woodland habitat and have set up a camera which we will look at in our next session.

Forest Schools will continue until February half term for Year 2 children, so please make sure your child has a suitable change of clothes in order to participate.

We cannot stress how important it is to read with your child at home.  Please make sure your child has his/her reading book in school every day and that it is regularly signed when they have read to an adult at home.