• School will close on Friday 4th April for the Easter break at the earlier time of 2.30pm

School Uniform

Our school uniform is compulsory for all children. However it is not a requirement for children to wear jumpers or cardigans with our school logo on, this is optional and your preference. Children can wear plain royal blue jumpers or cardigans.

To purchase items with our school logo on you can use the following companies.

The uniform is available to purchase through “Your School Uniform” in their online shop, using the following link –


We also use a supplier called Uniform Design and Supply Ltd who can be contacted through their Twitter page @supply_design or direct email on Info@uniformds.co.uk

Better and Bright now also supply our uniform and can be found at www.betterandbrightschoolwear.co.uk

They offer a wide range of items, however we have listed below our school uniform to avoid parents having unnecessary additional expense.

General School Uniform

  • Royal Blue sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan (with school logo or plain)
  • White Polo shirt
  • Grey Trousers or skirt

Summer Uniform

  • Blue checked dress
  • Grey Shorts

Indoor PE Kit

  • Plain White T-shirt
  • Black/Navy Shorts
  • Black/Navy leotard if preferred
  • Black Pumps

Outdoor PE Kit

  • Tracksuit/ jogging bottoms and top
  • Plain White T -shirt
  • Trainers