• School will close on Friday 4th April for the Easter break at the earlier time of 2.30pm


Parent Consultations

Every term a ten-minute individual meeting is held in which parents/carers and teacher discuss how well your child has settled in the class and comments on your child’s work in key areas. Individual pupil targets are reviewed and new targets agreed. At the Summer Term meeting the annual report is discussed and signed.

Newsletters & Year group curriculum letter

A newsletter is sent out to parents every term detailing relevant information. Year groups send a letter about the curriculum for the term.

To view recent letters please see the letters and newsletters tab.

Special Needs Meetings

If a child is on the SEN Register, parents will be invited to discuss and review targets three times a year.

Other Parent Meetings

Throughout the year we hold a range of meetings for parents and carers about different topics. For example, awareness sessions about tests, Phonics or how to help with homework. We also run FEET (Families Enjoying Everything Together) sessions for children and parents in the term before they start nursery. Members of staff with curriculum responsibilities will be expected to lead sessions for parents/carers informing them about how we teach that subject at school.

Contacting your Child’s Teacher

If parents would like to see a teacher in addition to the above they should make an appointment at an appropriate time. Other information can be communicated by letter or a quick word. If teachers wish to communicate additional information to parents they can do this via the school phone or a short note as is not appropriate for teachers to give their personal mobile number to parents/carers.


Download: Complaints Procedure (PDF)

Helpers in School

We welcome a variety of adults into school as helpers. These may be parents, grandparents and other relatives of children in school, family friends, members of the local community and people who have a particular talent, expertise or interest which is linked to a class or school-based topic. All helpers who have contact with children regularly will be asked to complete a form in order for them to obtain DBS clearance.