• School will close on Friday 4th April for the Easter break at the earlier time of 2.30pm

Our Expectations

School Rules

Our school Behaviour and Discipline Policy PDF sets out clear expectations for behaviour, it includes rewards as well as sanctions. We establish a number of rules for given situations such as playtimes, lunchtimes, and in class.

The School Rules below are the one we ask parents to observe:

  • Children will not be allowed to leave the premises without being accompanied by a responsible adult. (no-one under the age of 16)
  • Any other adult collecting a child needs the permission of the parent.
  • Sweets and crisps will not be allowed.
  • Children are discouraged from bringing toys or personal items.
  • Jewellery , with the exception of stud earrings will not be allowed. (They must be removed for PE)
  • Parents are asked not to bring vehicles onto the school premises.
  • Parents are asked not to allow children onto the school car park for obvious safety reasons.

Home/School Agreement

We value the support and contribution made by parents and embrace the partnership between home and school. Our home school agreement will be issued to your child in the first term of full time education and will be re-visited each year.

The agreement is based on our school aims, values and expectations for behaviour and is designed to establish an agreed set of standards in accordance with statutory guidance and our behaviour policy. Parents are asked to sign to acknowledge the terms of the Home School Agreement PDF