• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Monday 20th April

Monday 20th April 2020

Hello Tigers and Lions,

We hope you have had a good Easter, and the challenges have kept you all busy!  We now have some more learning for you.  Remember to complete the activity with your grown up that matches the colour of the sticker on your folder.

Remember to share your reading book or another story every day.

If your child has a phonics folder, please read daily.

English – All groups: Type into Google ‘Literacy Shed Rooted’ (a short animated film).  Watch only the first 30 seconds – (before Lady Tree arrives). What season do you think it is?  How do you know?  What can you see?  Can you think of adjectives to describe what you can see?  Do you think Man Tree liked the summer?  What was he feeling like?  (Talk to your grown-up about these questions).

Red and Blue – Write sentences to describe the story setting.  What can you see?  What other things might you see on a summer’s day?  See if you can link ideas together using ‘and,’ ‘but’ or ‘because.’

Yellow – Talk to your grown-up and describe the story setting.  Ask your grown-up to help you with spellings and try to use phonics where you can.

Maths – in your workbook. Mental arithmetic

Red – Add 2 two-digit numbers together. For example 21 + 33=, 34 + 22 =, 44 + 60=, 67 + 21=, 45 + 33=, 77 + 12=, 91 + 11=, 48 + 10=. Challenge, True or False, is 77 + 33 = 100

Blue – Add 2 two-digit numbers together. For example 21 + 33=, 34 + 22 =, 44 + 60=, 67 + 21=, 45 + 33=, 77 + 12=, 91 + 11=, 48 + 10=. Challenge, True or False, is 23 + 27 = 50

Yellow – 8 + 2 =, 18 + 2 =, 7 + 3 =, 17 + 3 =, 6 + 4 =, 16 + 4 =. Now write your own addition sentences to 20.

PE- Preferably outside. Balance a hardboiled egg on a large spoon. Walk quickly and count how many seconds you can balance your egg. Repeat this, and try and beat your time.

Joe Wicks is also doing a live PE session daily.