• We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 6th March with a non-uniform day

Religious Education

Religious Education is a part of our school and is led by our RE subject leader. The RE curriculum provides valuable opportunities where pupils are encouraged to explore their own beliefs and the beliefs of others. Christian beliefs and values are central to the teaching of RE.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage activities are planned around the ‘Understanding of the World’ area of the Foundation stage curriculum. Children have the opportunity to learn about different faiths and celebrations through taught sessions directed by the teacher and also through continuous provision.

Throughout key stage 1, pupils explore Christianity and at least one other principal religion. They learn about different beliefs about God and the world around them. They encounter and respond to a range of stories, artefacts and other religious materials. They learn to recognise that beliefs are expressed in a variety of ways, and begin to use specialist vocabulary. They begin to understand the importance and value of religion and belief, especially for other children and their families. Pupils ask relevant questions and develop a sense of wonder about the world, using their imagination. They talk about what is important to them and others, valuing themselves, reflecting on their own feelings and experiences and developing a sense of belonging.

Elements of the programme of study:

  • Believing: what people believe about God, humanity and the natural world
  • Story: how and why some stories are sacred and important in religion
  • Celebrations: how and why celebrations are important in religion
  • Symbols: how and why symbols express religious meaning
  • Leaders and teachers: figures who have an influence on others locally, nationally and globally in religion
  • Belonging: where and how people belong and why belonging is important
  • Myself: who I am and my uniqueness as a person in a family and community