• School will close on Friday 4th April for the Easter break at the earlier time of 2.30pm

Phonics & Reading


In the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 phonics is taught following the Oxford Reading Tree Floppy’s Phonics Sounds and Letters programme.  The programme introduces children to the alphabetic code that is the foundation of all their reading and subsequently their writing. In Lower Foundation Stage (Nursery) children are prepared for Floppy’s Phonics by using the  Phonics and Talk Time programme.  This introduces letter names and shapes, including upper as well as lower case letters.

Every class from UFS to Year 2 has a dedicated time set aside to deliver the phonics programme.  The programme uses a systematic approach which is the same across the school.  We are working alongside Jerry Clay Lane Academy English Hubs in order to accelerate our children’s progress in their phonic knowledge.  Regular meetings are attended at the Academy and a Literacy Specialist visits school every half term to offer support and guidance.  We also have an appointed Reading Leader who monitors and coaches staff in the delivery of the sessions.  Children are grouped as classes and differentiation is in place.  Class teachers aim to work predominantly with the lowest 20% of children in their classes.  Any children falling behind are identified immediately and given extra 1-1 support in an afternoon session.  Children who have successfully completed the programme (predominantly Year 2) work on spelling rules and reading comprehension during the time allocated to Phonics.

At the end of Year 1 pupils complete a statutory phonics screening check which assesses pupil’s phonic knowledge and ability to segment and blend sounds in order to read a range of real and nonsense words.  Children who do not pass the check in Year 1 will retake it at the end of Year 2.


The teaching of reading is carried out using the Floppy’s Phonics programme to develop fluency.

Just as importantly, children are also taught to have a good comprehension of what they are reading.  This is achieved through listening to individual readers as well as delivering guided reading sessions throughout school.

Children are encouraged to develop a love of reading by having access to high quality reading material in their classrooms and in reading areas throughout school.

All children have an element of choice with their home reading books, choosing from an appropriate level and phonically decodable for children who are not yet fluent.  KS1 children visit the local library at least once per half term where they can choose a book to bring back to school.

IN EYFS children are introduced to the conventions of books and they begin to distinguish the front from the back and open the book correctly, understand left to right orientation of the text and turn the page correctly and singly, regard the illustrations as in integral part of the story.

Useful Links

Floppy’s Phonics online has lots of useful practice activities to support children’s learning.  Follow the link below and select the level that your child is working at.  Please see your child’s class teacher if you are not sure of their level.
