At Purston Infant School we take e-safety extremely seriously and believe that a strong partnership between school and home is vital in tackling e safety issues. In today’s world your child has access to games consoles, computers, smart phones, and tablets. All of these devices, whilst being fantastic methods of communication, also pose potential dangers. Your child has e-safety discussions during Computing lessons, IT sessions and assemblies, where we discuss these dangers and the steps required to reduce them.
In fully reducing the risk of e-safety incidents, it is also vital that any device your child uses has parental filters on it and that your child is only accessing age-appropriate material. The minimum legal age for social media such as Facebook and Instagram is 13 years old.
For advice on e-safety please see the links below:
- parental guide – xboxone
- Parental guide – Playstation
- Parental Guides – Nintendo3DS
- parental guide – xbox360
- parental guide – xbox family
- Parental Guide – WiiU
- Parental Guide – Nintendo Switch
- Parental Guide – Apple
- Parental Guide Playstation 5