• We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 6th March with a non-uniform day

Home Learning – Summer 2 2020

Summer 2 1/2 term begins tomorrow and we wanted to let you know about home learning.

Monday 1st June will be an INSET Day in school to allow staff to prepare for a different way of working with our children that are currently accessing school provision. We have made the decision not to open school wider at the moment and will keep you up to date with this. This means there will be no home learning posted on the school website tomorrow.

Home learning for this half term will begin on Tuesday 2nd June and will continue to be posted every week day. We would love to see more of what our children are doing at home and would encourage everyone to send one piece of home learning each week to their child’s class teacher using the following email addresses.

Miss Crossley – crocodilesclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk
Mrs Hall/Miss Millward – monkeysclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk
Mrs Gascoyne – elephantsclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk
Mrs Attwood – kangaroosclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk
Mrs Eades – giraffesclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk
Mrs Inhester – lionsclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk
Miss Nicklin – tigersclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk

Thank you for your continued support during this time and thank you working with your children at home to continue their learning journey.