• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning Monday 4th May

Monday 4th May 2020

Hello Tigers and Lions,

We hope you have had a good weekend and enjoyed last week’s activities.  On the front of your folder is either a yellow, blue or red sticker.  Please complete the activity with your grown up that matches the colour on your folder.

Remember to share your reading book or another story every day.

If your child has a phonics folder, please read daily.

English – This week we would like you to think back to the work you did on minibeasts.  The aim is for you  to produce a fact file about different minibeasts.

Red and Blue and Yellow – Choose a minibeast and write notes about it, either facts you already know or by researching on the internet/in books.  Talk about what it looks like, what does it eat, where does it live.  For example:

Ladybird – red with black spots.  Insect – 6 legs.  Eats aphids.  Found in gardens.

Don’t worry about writing full sentences today, you will put your notes into sentences later on.

If you have time, choose another minibeast to make notes about.

Children with a yellow sticker will need some help with spelling – try to use phonics as much as you can.


Mental Arithmetic – Practical session

Red – Recap counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Now count in 3s. What do you notice about these numbers?

Blue – Count in 2s, then 5s, then 10s. Now have a go at counting in 3s.

Yellow- Count in 10s.

PE- Follow the link to find Just Dance workouts – https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=just+dance+eye+of+the+tiger

Joe Wicks is also doing a live PE session daily.