• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning Monday 27th April 2020

Hello Monkeys and Elephants, We hope that you enjoyed exploring the Jungle, we wonder where our magic ticket will take us this week! Remember to complete the activity that matches the coloured sticker on the front of your work pack. Remember to share your reading book or another story every day. You can practise the phonics sheets in your phonic folder. Identifying the sounds and reading the words and sentences. This half term our topic is Transport, over the next 5 weeks we are going to be providing activities based around the ‘Barefoot Books’ Magic Train Ride. Watch the video on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eSxrPzoZY0 Stop the video when it has reached 1:38 seconds Literacy Red – Write a list of animals that live underwater. You could even draw them. Write a sentence about your favourite underwater creature. Children in red group can write their words and sentence independently. Remember use your phonics to sound out the words you need, use your tricky word tree for words that do not sound out and remember finger spaces. Blue – Write a list of animals that live underwater. You could even draw them. Children in blue group are getting good with their writing but will need some support. Remember use your phonics and listen to the sounds in the words you need and have a really good go with your letter formation. Yellow – Draw an animal that lives underwater. Can you write what animal it is? Children in yellow group will need you to write the word so they can copy the writing. Maths This week are learning all about 3D Shapes. Watch the video on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPZegz690Mg Pause the video after each shape. What is the shape called? What does it look like? Talk about the different shapes you can see. Red- On a piece of paper, write a label for each shape. Sphere, Cube, cone, cuboid and pyramid. Can you find one object for each of the 3D shapes and place them under the correct label you have made. Blue – Find one object for each of the 3D shapes (Sphere, Cube, cone, cuboid and pyramid ) sort them under the correct names. Yellow – With an adult, find each 3D shape around your home, sphere, cube, cuboid, cone, pyramid, can you name them? Thank you. Mrs Gascoyne, Mrs Hall & Miss Millward