• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning Friday 5th June 2020

Hello Monkeys and Elephants,

We hope that you enjoyed yesterday’s activities. Remember to complete the activity that matches the coloured sticker on the front of your work pack.

Remember to share your reading book or another story every day. 

Floppy’s Phonics

We would like you to start your day with some phonics. You can practice your speed sounds every day by following the links on our class pages.

Red group – Today we would like you to look at the letter group ‘ture’ as in picture. Ask a grown up to write this list of words. adventure, mixture, manure, manicure. Use your phonic knowledge to read the words. Now ask a grown up to read the words so you can write them. Listen carefully to the sounds in the words. Can you put one of the words into a sentence?

Blue group – Today we would like you to look at the sound ‘nk’ as in ink. Ask a grown up to write this list of words. pink, bank, think, thank. Use your phonic knowledge to read the words. Now ask a grown up to read the words so you can write them. Listen carefully to the sounds in the words

Yellow group – Today we would like you to look at the sound ‘b’ as in bone. Ask a grown up to write this list of words. bat, big, bed, bump. With your grown up use your phonic knowledge to read the words and have a go at copying the words.

Remember, say the sound, read the word.

Maths – Today we are going to do some recording

Red – On Wednesday you used your 10 frame and 2 lots of 10 objects to work out all the ways of making 10.  Can you collect those things again?

Your 10 Frame

10 items that are 1 colour e.g. 10 green sweets/ grapes/ blocks

10 items that are another colour e.g. 10 red sweets/ strawberries/ blocks

Can you find all the ways of making 10?  Can you write it as a number sentence? 

Keep practising number bonds to 10, we want you to be able to recall these without working them out!

Blue – On Wednesday you worked out the answers to the number stories by counting on.  Today we want you to work out the answers to the number stories and write the answer as a number sentence.  Remember you can use objects to help you when you are counting on.

The Evil Pea captured 6 vegetables then he captured 5 more.  How many vegetables did he capture altogether?

Can you put 6 in your head and count on 5 more? You can get 5 objects to help you when you are counting on. 

Now write it as a number sentence

6 + 5 = 11

Now can you work out how many vegetables the Evil Pea has captured in these other number stories? Write the number sentence.

The Evil Pea captured 5 vegetables then he captures 4 more. 

The Evil Pea captured 7 vegetables then he captured 5 more.

The Evil Pea captured 6 vegetables then he captured 3 more.

The Evil Pea captured 8 vegetables then he captured 4 more.

Yellow – On Wednesday you used counters to help you work out the answers to the number stories.  Today we want you to work out the answers to the number stories and write the answer as a number sentence.  Remember to collect your objects that count how many altogether.

The Evil Pea captured 4 vegetables then he captured 2 more.  Use your objects, first collect 4 objects then 2 more now count how many you have altogether.

4 + 2 = 6

Now can you use your objects to work out how many vegetables the Evil Pea captured in these other number stories?

The Evil Pea captured 5 vegetables then he captures 2 more. 

The Evil Pea captured 6 vegetables then he captured 1 more.

The Evil Pea captured 3 vegetables then he captured 3 more.

The Evil Pea captured 4 vegetables then he captured 3 more.


Can you create your own Supertato out of a potato?  Here are some ideas to help you.  Don’t forget to email or Tweet photos of your wok or anything else you have been doing. We love hearing from you

15 Best Supertato - reading week images | Supertato, Eyfs ...

Thank you.

Mrs Gascoyne, Mrs Hall & Miss Millward