• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning 9.6.20

Tuesday 9th June 2020

Hello Crocodiles,

We hope you enjoyed your world oceans day activities yesterday. Today we are continuing our Superhero topic.

Here are today’s home learning activities:


Please can you run through each letter of the alphabet with your child on the video below- encourage them to say the sound for each letter.

Speed Read

Introduce k:

K as in key

It is important to explain to our children that there are two letter shapes for the sound ‘k’. They are ‘c’ and ‘k’. C as in cat, or k as in key.

Can you ask your child to say each sound when pointing to the letter shape. Can they hear the last two words with your help?

Can you practice writing the letter k? Can you write a capital and lowercase k?

Expressive Arts & Design & Literacy

Please watch the following clips to hear the next part of our story:

Eliot Midnight Superhero 1

Eliot Midnight Superhero 2

Eliot Midnight Superhero 3

Can you use materials in your house to make some jewels to give back to the queen?

Thank you

Miss Crossley