• School closes on Friday 14th February for half term and re opens on Monday 24th February

Home Learning 8.6.20

Monday 8th June 2020

Hello Crocodiles,

Today is World Oceans Day!

After 9am on the world ocean day website below there are videos and links to some fantastic activities taking place throughout World Oceans Day. Make sure you look at the child ages below the links to find the ones appropriate for our children. There are creative activities, yoga and even some ocean stories 🙂


Understanding the world-

Here is an activity to help explain the importance of world oceans day and why we need to keep our oceans clean.

Can you find a clear plastic tub/ jug and half fill it with clean water and some plastic toys (ideally fish/water toys).

Add a some rubbish (e.g a shredded plastic bag, cardboard) and black food colouring/ coffee granules to represent oil/rubbish/sewage).

How different does your mini ocean look now this has been added? What might happen to the sea creatures if they swim into all this rubbish?

Expressive Arts & Design-

Can you use resources you have available to make one or more of the following or one of your own craft ideas for world ocean day?

Here is a link below with craft ideas to help:



At 1pm turn to Ocean Creative Zone and there are two authors reading stories appropriate for our children:

– Author and wildlife expert, Sarah Roberts, reads her book ‘ Somebody Swallowed Stanley’ and shares animal facts, in this mini lesson on ocean plastic

-Author Lauren Davies read the story of the Little Turtle that hatches a plan to save the world from plastic pollution and learn how you too can make a difference and be an Eco Hero!


Thank you

Miss Crossley