• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning – 6.4.20

Monday 6th April 2020

Hello Kangaroos and Giraffes,

As we said on Friday, we will not be setting daily home learning challenges for the next two weeks. Today and Monday 13th April, we will set some challenges that you could do over the school holidays.

Here are this week’s challenges.

  • We are now in the season of spring, go outside into your garden and see what signs of spring you can see. Draw and label the pictures in your workbooks.
  • Design an Easter egg and get your grown up to take a picture and send us your design on our new class email by Friday 10th April. We will decide a winner for each class and there will be a prize for you when we finally return to school!
  • Can you make some maths stories up using spring and Easter objects? Draw pictures to match the story. For example, Sarah has 3 chickens and Tom has 9 chickens. How many chickens do they have altogether?

Enjoy these challenges this week and look out for some new ones next Monday.

Remember to still do lots of reading with your grown up and keep practising your phonics reading those alien words and real words.

Thank you

Mrs Eades and Mrs Attwood.
