• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning – 6.4.20

Monday 6th April 2020

Hello Crocodiles,

As we said on Friday, we will not be setting daily home learning challenges for the next two weeks. Today and Monday 13th April, we will set some challenges that you could do over the school holidays.

Here are this week’s challenges.

  • Can you make a model Easter basket to hold some Easter treats? You could use an empty cardboard box and decorate it with paints/stickers or colourful Easter pictures.
  • Can you go on a colour hunt around your house and/or in your garden? Ask your grown-ups if they can help you sing and stomp to the chant below and see what you can find!

We’re going on a colour hunt

We’re going to find some bright ones

What a colourful day!

Let’s find……RED! (change for each colour)

  • Egg starts with an ‘e’. Work with a grown up and see if you can think of anything else that starts with an e?

You can draw pictures of the objects and your grown up can help you to write, copy or trace the words underneath.

Enjoy these challenges this week and look out for some new ones next Monday.

Crocodile parents- Over the next two weeks can you continue to spend time reading to your child, listening to them, talking to them and praising their efforts.   Remember that our nursery children need plenty of opportunities to play as they learn through their play.  

Thank you

Miss Crossley