• We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 6th March with a non-uniform day

Home Learning 4.6.20

Thursday 4th June 2020

Hello Crocodiles,

Here are today’s home learning activities:

Physical Development- Spiderman Yoga

Can you find an electronic device to watch this video on and some space in your house. Can you become the superhero ‘Spiderman’ and practice some yoga ready to save the world?


Please can you do a speed read with your child of our sounds. You can use yesterday’s video or the link below to help 🙂


Introduce j :

J as in jug.

‘j as in jug’

Can you practice writing this letter? Remember to practice both the capital letter and lowercase formation.

‘j’ part 2

Can you go on a treasure hunt and find me 2 or more things in your house beginning with the initial sound j?

(Help for parents & carers- jelly, jam, juice, jumper, jigsaw, jug,)

Can your child complete one of the two activities below?

Activity 1 – Can your child draw one of the objects they have found beginning with a j?

Activity 2–  Can your child unscramble the letters to spell the words correctly?

Thank you

Miss Crossley