• School will be closed on Thursday 12th December due to local elections taking place

Home Learning 30.6.20

Tuesday 30th June 2020

Hello Crocodiles,

Here are today’s home learning activities:


Please can you run through each letter of the alphabet with your child on the video below- encourage them to say the sound for each letter.

Speed Read

Today we are going to look at two phonics sounds 🙂

Introduce qu:

qu as in queen

Can you practice reading or writing qu?

If reading you could use the picture below to identify each sound on each line and then have a go at reading the words at the bottom with a grown up:

Introduce r:

R as in rabbit

Can you practice writing r, remember to write both the capital R and lowercase r.

Can you read the following words or find me 3 objects beginning with an r in your house?

r  a  t

r  e  d

r  u  g

r  i  p

Expressive Arts and Design-

Can you create a string, wool or spaghetti ‘Superworm’ picture?

You could use string/wool or get a grown up to cook some pasta, when it is cooled dip into some paint and move it across your paper to create a worm trail.

Superworm' – Attention Autism – Marianna Limnaiou

Thank you

Miss Crossley