• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning – 30.04.20

Good morning Kangaroos and Giraffes,


In phonics today are looking at the letter group ‘ar’. How many words can you think of with ‘ar’ in? How many words can you say in one minute with ‘ar’ in them? Can you challenge your grown-up – who can say the most words in one minute?

Can you write a sentence with the word ‘shark’ in it and read your sentence to a grown up?




Your dragon has been up-to mischief and has escaped!

We would like you to think about how you are going to capture your dragon and return it safely to where it belongs.

Does your dragon fly? Does it breathe fire? Can it run very fast? Does it have spikes? Does it have sharp talons? Does it have a long spiky tongue?

What equipment might you need to capture your dragon? A lasso, a net, a trap, a large elastic band, a magic spell, call the dragons name; bribe the dragon with their favourite food?

Red and the Possums – In your workbooks we would like you to write about how you are going to capture your dragon, remember to use capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and exclamation marks. Draw a picture of what you have chosen to use.

Blue, Green, Wombats and Koalas – In your workbooks we would like you to write about how you are going to capture your dragon, remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Draw a picture of what you have chosen to use.

Yellow and Crocodiles – Can you tell a grown up about how you are going to catch your dragon? In your workbook, we would like you to draw a picture of what you have chosen to catch the dragon.


Today we would like you to be a little more practical with your maths. We would like you and your grown-ups to collect fruit, vegetables, cakes, biscuits, bread (whatever food you could use) and cut them into halves and quarters.

You might have an apple. Can you cut it into 4 equal parts? How can you make it as accurate as possible? Take lots of pictures and get your grown-ups to email or tweet us. We would love to see your work.

Have a lovely day.

From Mrs Eades and Mrs Attwood