• We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 6th March with a non-uniform day

Home Learning 3.6.20

Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Hello Lions and Tigers!

We hope that you enjoyed yesterday’s activities.

On the front of your folder is either a yellow, blue, or red sticker.  Please complete the activity with your grown up that matches the colour on your folder. If you are in any doubt, please email your class teacher at the email address on your class page.

Remember to share your reading book or another story every day, this is the most important thing you can do!

If you have a phonics folder, please continue to practise the sounds you have already been taught.  Make sure that you can use the sounds you know to read unfamiliar words.


Today is Guided Reading focus.  Choose a book(or a chapter from a book) from home that you can read, then answer the questions.  Write the name of the book at the top of the next page in your workbook.

Red and Blue: Where is the story set?  Which characters are in the story?  Write a short description of your favourite character, including why that character is your favourite.  What is the most exciting thing that happened in the story/chapter?

Yellow: Where is the story set?  Who is in the story?  What is your favourite part of the story? Draw a picture to illustrate the story and write a caption underneath.


All groups: Watch the next clip about reading scales.


Red: If you have a measuring jug have a go at filling it with water and reading the scale to tell you how much you have put in.  What it you filled it between 2 numbers?  Can you work out what number would be half-way between the ones you can see?

 Blue and Yellow: If you have a measuring jug have a go at filling it with water and reading the scale to tell you how much you have put in.  Practise with different amounts of water.


Wednesday is singing day!  Listen to the youtube clip below and see if you can join in with it!
