• School closes on Friday 14th February for half term and re opens on Monday 24th February

Home Learning 29.6.20

Monday 29th June 2020

Hello Crocodiles,

I hope you have had a lovely weekend with your family! We are continuing with our Superhero theme and we are starting a new story for this week, Superworm.

Here are today’s home learning activities:

Literacy & Communication and Language:

For the next two weeks we are going to learn about the story ‘Superworm’ by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. Please watch the following clips to hear the start of our story and the speaking and listening activity for today:


Superworm 2

Oh no Baby Toad has hopped onto a road! Should he be on the road?

Is a busy road a safe place to walk? Why?

What should you do if you want to cross a busy road?

You should try to find a safe crossing with your grown up. This could be a pelican crossing at traffic lights where you have to press a button to safely cross the road or a zebra crossing where you have to stop, look, listen and think before crossing.

Here are some videos to help you understand this further:

Understanding the World & Health and Self Care:

Can you use paper or chalk on the floor to make a road with a zebra crossing. Using cars and toy people can you teach them how to safely cross the road?

Think about the videos you have seen above.

It is always important to stay near and hold a grown-ups hand near any road.

Eyfs small world - cars & road safety | People who help us, Eyfs ...

Thank you

Miss Crossley