• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning 29.04.20

Wednesday 29th April 2020

Hello Crocodiles,

Don’t forget you can send us pictures of your work at crocodilesclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk or tweet them to @infantpurston on our school twitter account.

Here are today’s home learning activities:

Expressive Arts and Design and Outdoor learning-

Using any old pots/pans/trays/tupperware or utensils can you set up a mud kitchen in your garden?

If you do not have the outdoor space to do this you could use water and soap in the bathroom instead.

Can you make your favourite meals through pretend play? Remember to measure, stir, pour and sprinkle the ingredients when cooking. You could use washing up liquid/ mud/water/leaves/stones for ingredients!

Physical Development– Motor skills
With your parent/carer’s help, can you attach a pencil/chalk to a toy car and create a road to drive your toys on?

Can you use your toy vehicles to follow the path? Try not to go outside of the lines!

Thank you

Miss Crossley