• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning 28.4.20

Tuesday 28th April 2020

Hello Tigers and Lions,

We hope you enjoyed yesterday’s activities.  On the front of your folder is either a yellow, blue or red sticker.  Please complete the activity with your grown up that matches the colour on your folder.

Remember to share your reading book or another story every day.

If your child has a phonics folder, please read daily.

English – We are carrying on with the ‘Rooted’ animated film (Literacy Shed).  Watch the clip up to 3 mins 15 secs. (The bench couple disappear).

Red and Blue – Tell the next part of the story.  How can you tell that time had passed?  What happened to Man Tree and Lady Tree?  What happened to the bench couple?  How do you think the trees were feeling?  Try to use adjectives, conjunctions and adverbs to construct a mixture of long and short sentences.

Yellow – Ask your grown up to help you think of sentences to tell the next part of the story. What happened to Man Tree and Lady Tree?  What happened to the bench couple?  How did the trees feel?  Try to use phonics to spell where you can or ask your grown up to help you.

Maths – in your workbook.

Red –Blue –Yellow – Write a diary of your day, thinking about o’clock and half past (for example, half past 7- woke up, 8 o’clock eat breakfast).

Science – this week we will be taking a closer look at plants.  Watch the clip on the link below and find out what a plant needs to grow.  Talk about it with your grown up.
