• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning 28.04.20

Tuesday 28th April 2020

Hello Crocodiles,

As said before, don’t forget the most important thing you can be doing at home is learning through play. This includes play such as mark making shopping lists or letters, making creative pictures and models, sharing stories daily with grown ups and recognising numbers and letters on household objects.

Here are today’s home learning activities:


Parents/carers can you support your child to write numbers to 10 on paper/stones/recycling like below.


Tell your child to close their eyes as you hide the numbers in your house or garden.

When you return ask your child to search for the numbers to 10.

Can they name each number as they find it?

Once they have collected all numbers can they place them in order from 0-10. Remind them to count out loud to help.

Make it easier -Numbers to 3 or 5

Challenge– Numbers to 20 or above.

Understanding the world-

Can your child watch the following video and talk about the transport they see? Is there any transport they did not recognise? Do they know what is it used for?

Can they tell you which is their favourite form of transport and why? E.g. “because it can fly in the sky!”


Thank you

Miss Crossley