• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning – 24.06.20

Good morning Kangaroos and Giraffes,


Today we are looking at the letter group ‘oa’, as in goat.

Have a go at reading these sentences:

  • The toad say in a boat on the moat by the big oak.
  • If you moan and groan you will frighten the toad in the road.

In your workbooks copy the sentence neatly, then, underline the ‘oa’ words with ‘oa’ in.

Can you think of any more ‘oa’ words? Can you put those into a sentence?


One of Mrs Eades’s favourite songs is ‘The animal boogie’.


Why not have a go at singing along and adding some actions.

Could you then make your own verse up?


We are going to continue counting today. Today we are going to be counting in 5’s.


Once you are confident at counting in 5s have a go at playing this game.


Select x5 menu, you throw the ball at the coconut that we would count in 5s.


We are really missing our PE sessions together and with Luke. If the weather is nice today why not go outside and have a run around. If you have a ball you could practice throwing and catching.

If it is raining why not try some Zumba, where is a link for one to follow.



Can you create an undiscovered butterfly from the rainforest? Remember that butterflies are symmetrical; this means that they are the same on both sides. You could paint your butterfly, draw and colour it or cut and stick. We would love to see them!

Have a lovely day.

From Mrs Eades and Mrs Attwood