• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning – 22.06.20

Hello Kangaroos and Giraffes,

We hope you have had a lovely weekend.


Today we are looking at the letter group ‘ow’, as in owl.

Have a go at reading these sentences:

  • The cow and the owl are down by the big oak.
  • Do not frown at the clown as he showers the crowd with flowers.

In your workbooks copy the sentences neatly, then, underline the ‘ow’ words with ‘ow’ in.

Can you think of any more ‘ow’ words? Can you put those into a sentence?


Last Friday we asked you to tell us some interesting facts about the creature that you had discovered in the rainforest. The creature is very rare and it is an endangered animal, we need to look after it! Can you find out what endangered means?

In your workbooks, we would like you to create a poster to tell people how important it is to take care of the rainforest and the creatures that live in it.


Last week you found out about the Amazon rainforest, today we would like you to find out where there are other rainforests in the world. We have uploaded a world map, if you can print it out then colour in the countries that have rainforests. If not make a list in your workbook of the countries that have them.


Can you make yourself a rainforest mobile? You could draw, colour and cut out a range of creatures such as butterflies, birds and insects and hang them up on an old coat hanger or piece of wood. We would love to see them!

Don’t forget to send us pictures of your work. We love receiving emails from you. They really do make us smile.

Have a lovely day.

From Mrs Eades and Mrs Attwood