• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning 2.6.20

Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Hello Crocodiles,

I hope you have had a lovely half term week with your family and enjoyed the wonderful sunshine outside. 🙂

We are starting a new topic today looking at ‘Superheroes’. Many of our Home Learning activities over the next seven weeks will be linked to this topic:

Here is today’s home learning activity:

Expressive Arts & Design & Literacy

For the next two weeks we are going to learn about the story- ‘Eliot Midnight Superhero’ by Anne Cottringer and Alex T.Smith.

Parents/Carers can you ask your child if they know what a superhero is? What can a superhero do? (Give an example if needed. E.g. a superhero saves people, a superhero has super strength.)

Please watch the following clips to hear the start of our story and instructions for your activity:

Eliot Midnight Superhero 1

Eliot Midnight Superhero 2

Eliot Midnight Superhero 3

Can your child draw or paint one of their favourite superheroes?

Encourage your child to hear the initial sound in the name of their favourite superhero using their phonics- e.g. ‘Batman starts with a ‘b’ sound.

Can they write their superhero’s name by copying your letters?

Make it easier – Write the superhero’s name in highlighter and ask your child to form the letters over the top of yours.

Challenge– Encourage your child to sound out the name of their favourite superhero using their phonics- ‘c-a-p-t-i-n for captain America’. It does not matter if the name is spelt incorrectly as long as our children have spelt it phonetically (how it sounds).

Challenge +–  For an extra challenge can your child write words or a short sentence about their favourite superhero?

Thank you

Miss Crossley