• We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 6th March with a non-uniform day

Home Learning 19.5.20

Tuesday 19th May 2020

Hello Tigers and Lions,

On the front of your folder is either a yellow, blue or red sticker.  Please complete the activity with your grown up that matches the colour on your folder.

Remember to share your reading book or another story every day.

If your child has a phonics folder read daily.

English – We are continuing to work on your favourite book, as yesterday.

Red Blue – Who are the characters in your book?  Are they good/bad?  Choose 2 characters and write a description about them.  What do they look like, what do they do, what is their personality?  Remember to back up your ideas with what you have read, for example: ‘I think Bertie is naughty because…….’

Yellow – Word detectives – in your book, can you find words with the ‘ai’ sound?  Are there different spellings making the ‘ai’ sound?  Make a list of all the words you have found.

Maths – In your workbook.

Red – Blue – Fractions recap- draw a circle, square, and a rectangle. Use a ruler to help you find one third. Colour one third in. Write this as a fraction. Challenge- is 3/3 the same as 1 whole? Can you draw this?

Yellow – Fractions recap- draw a rectangle and a square. Use a ruler to help you find one third. Colour one third in. Challenge- find one third of a circle.