• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning – 19.06.20

Good morning Kangaroos and Giraffes.


Today in phonics, we would like you to make up some alien names, using the letter groups that we have been looking at this week –        igh, ar, -ue and -ue.

Can you write the alien names in your workbook and draw a picture of what the alien might look like?

Can you write a silly sentence about your alien?


This week you went out exploring in the rain forest and discovered a new creature. You have told us what it is called, where it lives and what it likes to eat.

Today in your workbooks, we would like you to tell us some fun and interesting facts about your creature. You could tell us:

  • What a group of the creatures is called.
  • Where it likes to hide.
  • What other animals are its friends or enemies.
  • Something that the creature really likes or does not like to do.

Remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Take extra care with your handwriting today too.


We are finishing off maths this week with some subtraction word problems. Use your numberline to help you.


20 butterflies landed on a tree. 5 flew away and then 3 flew away. How many are left?

19 chameleons hid on leaves and branches. 6 of them were found and eaten by a bird and 2 ran away. How many are left?

15 sloths were hanging from the trees. 4 of them slowly walked away and 5 of them fell asleep. How many are awake?

Blue/Green/Wombats and Koalas

17 butterflies landed on a tree. 5 flew away. How many are left?

19 chameleons hid on leaves and branches. 6 of them were found and eaten by a bird. How many are left?

15 sloths were hanging from the trees. 4 of them slowly walked away. How many are left?

Yellow and Crocodiles

7 butterflies landed on a tree. 2 flew away. How many are left?

5 chameleons hid on leaves and branches. 2 of them were found and eaten by a bird. How many are left?

4 sloths were hanging from the trees. 2 of them slowly walked away. How many are left?


Can you put on a puppet show for the people in your house using the puppets and masks that you have made this week?

From Mrs Eades and Mrs Attwood