• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning – 19.05.20

Good morning Giraffes and Kangaroos!


How many words can you think of that have the letter group ‘er’ (as in builder) in them? Can you write the words in your workbook and read them to a grown up?

Can you say or write a sentence with the word ‘farmer’ in it, and read your sentence to a grown-up?


Your dragon has taken the crown to the tower, but has become locked inside and cannot get out! The only company your dragon has is a friendly little mouse that lives in the tower.

Can you draw a picture of who you are at home with and label who they are?

Red and the Possums – In your workbook, we would like you to draw and label who you are at home with.

Blue, Green, Wombats and Koalas – In your workbook, we would like you to draw and label who you are at home with.

Yellow and Crocodiles – In your workbook, we would like you to draw who you are at home with and have a go at labelling your picture.


We are going to continue finding one more and one less today. Use your number square that we made last week to help you.

Red and the Possums – In your workbook record the number that is:

One less than 75

One more than 97

One less than 60

One more than 49

One less than 100

Blue, Green, Wombats and Koalas – In your workbook record the number that is:

One less than 25

One more than 41

One less than 30

One more than 29

One less than 52

Yellow and Crocodiles – In your workbook record the number that is:

One less than 8

One more than 10

Challenge time!

Can you make up a game for your dragon and his new friend mouse to play while they are locked in the tower? Can you give your game a name and tell a grown up how to play the game?

Have a lovely day.

From Mrs Eades and Mrs Attwood