• We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 6th March with a non-uniform day

Home Learning 18.5.20

Monday 18th May 2020

Hello Crocodiles,

I hope you have had a lovely weekend 🙂

Hello Everyone!

This week is our last week learning about transport and in particular vehicles that fly including aeroplanes and helicopters!

Here are today’s home learning activities:

Literacy- Reading & Listening and Attention-

Can you listen to today’s story?

Amazing Aeroplanes 1

Amazing Aeroplanes 2

Amazing Aeroplanes 3

Have you ever been on a plane before? Where did you travel to? Did you enjoy travelling by plane?

Have you ever seen a plane before at the airport or in the sky? Are the big or small?

Personal, Social, Emotional Development-

Can you share your toys or a game with someone in your family today? Remember taking turns and sharing with our family and friends is very important. 🙂

Thank you

Miss Crossley