• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning – 15.05.20

Good morning Kangaroos and Giraffes.


Today in phonics, we would like you to make up some alien names, using the letter groups that we have been looking at this week – ng, oy, qu, sh

Can you write the alien names in your workbook and draw a picture of what the alien might look like?

Can you write a silly sentence about your alien?


Now we have the food prepared for the Queens visit we need to sort out the entertainment! We are going to ask a jester to come and entertain the Queen, but the jester needs your help!

He has run out of jokes to tell the Queen to make her laugh, he cannot remember any of his funny dances and has forgotten how to pull a funny face!

Red/Possums/Blue/Green, Wombats/Koalas – We would like you to think of some jokes that the jester could tell the Queen. In your workbooks we would like you write down 2 jokes and tell them to a grown up. We would like you to make up a funny dance and ask your grown up to send us a picture or video of you pulling a funny face or doing a silly dance.

Yellow and crocodiles – We would like you to tell a grown up a joke! We would also like you to make up a funny dance and ask your grown up to send us a picture or video of you pulling a funny face or doing a silly dance.

We cannot wait to hear your jokes and see your funny faces and silly dances!

Design and Technology

Using your design from last week, can you now make your castle using the boxes that you collected?

You could paint it too.

Don’t forget to get your grown-up to email us with any of the work you have been completing.

Have a super weekend. Remember to stay home and stay safe.

From Mrs Eades and Mrs Attwood