• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning 13.7.20

Hello Crocodiles,

I hope you all enjoyed the sunshine this weekend and managed to play outside! 🙂

This is the last week of our home learning before the summer holidays. As it is the last week of term all activities this week will be based around transition to a new class (or a new teacher if you are staying in Crocodiles for another year).

Any home learning you complete this week can be sent to your new class teacher now you know what class you will be in:

For our January 2020 starters staying in Nursery please email:

crocodilesclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk (For Miss Millward)

For our children moving up to full time Reception in September please email your class email below:

monkeysclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk (For Mrs Hall and Miss Howitt)

elephantsclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk (For Mrs Gascoyne and Miss Crossley)

Talk about how you feel about moving to your new class. What are you looking forward to?

I would like you to introduce yourself to your new teacher.

Could you draw or paint a picture of yourself and write or decorate your name for your new teacher?

I can still be contacted at crocodilesclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk but please put Miss Crossley in the title of the email so i know it is for me to answer.

Thank you 🙂

Miss Crossley