• School closes on Friday 14th February for half term and re opens on Monday 24th February

Home Learning – 13.4.20

Monday 13th April 2020

Good Morning Giraffes and Kangaroos,

We hope you have all had an enjoyable Easter and have not eaten too many chocolates.

This week we have some more challenges for you before we start back setting our daily Maths and English tasks.

Here are this week’s challenges.

  • Can you make up a spring story? Use objects that you would find in your garden in spring and tell a story to your grown-ups.
  • Design your own garden. What would you have in your garden? You can be as imaginative and creative as you want. You might have a football pitch, a swimming pool, a pond or even a forest.
  • Go on a scavenger hunt and find objects in your house or garden that start with the letters in your name. For example, MRS EADES – m-money, r-rope, s-spoon, e-egg, a-apple, d-dish, e-empty box, s-sugar. Can you do it for other people’s names in your house?

Enjoy the challenges this week and we will be back next week with your daily English and Maths tasks.

Remember to still do lots of reading with your grown up and keep practising your phonics reading those alien words and real words.

Stay at home and stay safe.

Mrs Eades and Mrs Attwood.