• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning 11.6.20

Hello Crocodiles,

Here are today’s home learning activities:


Please can you run through each letter of the alphabet with your child on the video below- encourage them to say the sound for each letter.

Introduce L :

L as in lion.

Can you practice writing this letter? Remember to practice both the capital letter and lowercase formation.

Can your child complete one of the two activities below?

Activity 1 – Can your child find 2 objects in your house beginning with an l sound? Can they draw one of the objects they have found?

Activity 2–  Can your child unscramble the letters to spell the words correctly using the pictures to help? (olg, eslg)

Physical Development- To catch a large ball.

Can you play catch with a member of your family using a large ball? (e.g football size)

If you can do this consistently can you try with a smaller tennis sized ball?

Can you throw the ball at a target like a superhero using their super strength?

Thank you

Miss Crossley