• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning 11.5.20

Monday 11th May 2020

Hello Tigers and Lions,

We hope you have had a good weekend and enjoyed the activities we have given you. On the front of your folder is either a yellow, blue or red sticker.  Please complete the activity with your grown up that matches the colour on your folder.

Remember to share your reading book or another story every day.

If your child has a phonics folder, please read daily.

English – Today we would like you to practise some common spellings.  Click on the link to play the game.

Red and Blue – Choose year 2 spelling

Yellow – choose year 1 spelling then challenge yourself to year 2


Maths – in your workbook. Mental arithmetic

Red – Blue –

In one minute. Starting with 0, write as many numbers as you can. Check your numbers, make sure they are formed correctly. Do this again, and see if you can get to 100!

Yellow – Ask a grown up to time you to write numbers 0-10. Then 10-20. Have a go at writing numbers 0-30. Check your numbers are formed correctly.

PE- In one minute, how many star jumps can you do? How many lunges can you do? How many times can you run to the bottom of your garden and back? Can you beat your score?

Joe Wicks is also doing a live PE session daily.