• School closes on Friday 14th February for half term and re opens on Monday 24th February

Home Learning 11.5.20

Monday 11th May 2020

Hello Crocodiles,

I hope you have had a wonderful weekend 🙂 . This week we will continue to learn about transport and in particular vehicles we may have at home such as cars and bikes.

Understanding the world-

If you have a car or bike at your household can your spend time with your child showing them the different features of the vehicle. This includes outdoor and indoor features such as wheels, bumpers, handlebars, brakes, steering wheels, gear sticks and pedals etc.

If you do not have a vehicle at home when out on your daily walk could you talk about the features of vehicles you see and discuss what traffic lights are used for? Remember to explain the different colours!

Please answer any questions your child may have and make comparisons (e.g if you have a bike and your child has a balance bike- what is the difference? What makes a car move? How about a bike?)

Physical Development- Fine motor

Can you encourage your child to practice their cutting skills?

Draw straight lines/squiggly lines on paper. Ask your child to cut along the lines. (It is important your child practices using scissors correctly using one hand).

Make it easier: Start with materials that do not require much holding and positioning. Also, it is best to start with things that require only one snip, not a couple of cuts e.g. strips of light cardboard or straws.

Challenge: Can you draw some simple 2d shapes for your child to cut out. E.g a square, circle, triangle, rectangle, star.

Thank you

Miss Crossley