• School closes on Friday 14th February for half term and re opens on Monday 24th February

Home Learning 10.7.20

Friday 10th July 2020

Hello Crocodiles,

Here are today’s home learning activities:


Please can you run through each letter of the alphabet with your child on the video below- encourage them to say the sound for each letter.

Introduce z:

z as in zip

Picture of z

Can you practice writing z, remember to write both the capital Z and lowercase z.


Can you remember what story we are reading- ‘Superworm!’

Here is the final part in our story:

Superworm 1

Superworm 2

Superworm 3

Superworm 4

Superworm 5

Superworm was helping keep his friends entertained in lots of different ways. I particularly like the train he made!

If you had a Superworm what would you like to do?

Physical Development:

Using String or pipe cleaners and cheerio’s/ any other cereal with loops can you make a wriggly worm. You could even use those that you make to hang in trees for the birds to eat. 🙂

Thank you and have a fantastic weekend!

Miss Crossley