Friday 10th July 2020
Hello Crocodiles,
Here are today’s home learning activities:
Please can you run through each letter of the alphabet with your child on the video below- encourage them to say the sound for each letter.
Introduce z:
z as in zip
Picture of z
Can you practice writing z, remember to write both the capital Z and lowercase z.
Can you remember what story we are reading- ‘Superworm!’
Here is the final part in our story:
Superworm 1
Superworm 2
Superworm 3
Superworm 4
Superworm 5
Superworm was helping keep his friends entertained in lots of different ways. I particularly like the train he made!
If you had a Superworm what would you like to do?
Physical Development:
Using String or pipe cleaners and cheerio’s/ any other cereal with loops can you make a wriggly worm. You could even use those that you make to hang in trees for the birds to eat. 🙂
Thank you and have a fantastic weekend!
Miss Crossley