• School closes on Friday 14th February for half term and re opens on Monday 24th February

Home Learning 1.7.20

Wednesday 1st July 2020

Hello Crocodiles,

Can you sing our hello song today?

Can you tell a grown up how are you feeling today? Remember we can feel different emotions like ‘happy’, ‘sad’, ‘tired’, ‘okay’ and ‘angry’.

Here are today’s home learning activities:

Literacy & Personal, Social, Emotional Development-

Can you remember what story we are reading- ‘Superworm’

Here is the next part in our story:


How do you think beetle was feeling when he fell into the well?

I think I would have felt worried!

What other words can you think of?

(afraid, terrified, scared, horrified, upset)

What do you think will happen next?

Understanding the world and Maths:

Can you go on a ‘worm walk’ and see if you can find any worms in your local area or garden? Remember not to pick them up as we do not want to scare Superworm’s friends!

How many worms did you find? Can you represent the number in one of the ways below:

(You can draw lines, make a tally, draw dots and circles, use your fingers or show the number by drawing  the numeral.)

Thank you

Miss Crossley