• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning – 08.07.20

Good morning Kangaroos and Giraffes,


Today we are looking at the letter group ‘oo’ as in spoon and ‘ew’ as in screw.

Have a go at reading these sentences:

  • Wilma flew to the moon in a big blue balloon.
  • Chip went on a ship and was soon one of the crew.

In your workbooks copy the sentence neatly, then, underline the ‘oo’ and ‘ew’ words.


Why not sing some of your favourite songs that we learnt over Year One. Can you remember the campfire song we learnt with Mr Pearson? Put on a performance for your grown-ups.


Yesterday we looked at coins, so today we would like you to have a look at notes.

We have put some images of notes on too if you haven’t got any at home.

What do you notice about these amounts of money? Which is worth the most? How do you know?

We would like you to design a £10 note today. What colour is it going to be? Which famous person is on it? Draw it in your books and add lots of detail like a real note.


As part of our Forest School sessions, we spent a lot of time in the conservation area taking part in lots of exciting activities. What was your favourite activity?

What other things could we add into our conservation area and school field?

Can you draw a picture of what you would like our conservation area and school field to look like? We would love to see your creations.

Have a lovely day.

From Mrs Eades and Mrs Attwood