• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning – 06.05.20

Good morning Kangaroos and Giraffes,

We hope that you are enjoying our new topic.


Today we are looking at the letter group ‘or’. How many words can you think of?

Choose your favourite book, how many words with the ‘or’ sound can you find in your book?

We would like you to make a list of the words in your workbook and read them to a grown up. Can you put some of these words into a sentence? Can you make a silly sentence?


Today why not sing your favourite songs to your grown up and with your grown up then make up a silly song or rhyme. Can you think of ways to make music using different parts of your body?

Can you clap out the names of the people in your family? Look around your house and garden; can you clap out the things that you can see?

Can you make music using the things that you might find in your house and garden?


More counting to 100 today. You will be super counters by the end of this week.

Here is another Jack Hartmann counting video to watch.


Join in with all the actions.

Red and the Possums – With a grown up count backwards from 10 to 1, then 20 to 1 and then have a go counting backwards from 100.

Blue, Green, Wombats and Koalas – With a grown up count backwards from 10 to 1, then 20 to 1 and then have a go counting backwards from 100.

Yellow and Crocodiles – With a grown up try counting backwards from 10 to 1, then have a try at 20 to 1.

Design and Technology

Have a look around Windsor castle online. Look how grand inside the castle is.


Now have a look at pictures of the outsides of castles. They are grand buildings.

Today we would like you to design a castle for a king or queen to live in. Add the labels – tower, drawbridge, curtain wall, arrow slits

(Start collecting boxes ready for next weeks task!)          


Can you find out what materials the first castles ever built were made from? You could look at some pictures, research using the internet or look in books about castles if you have any.

Have a lovely day.

From Mrs Eades and Mrs Attwood