• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning – 05.06.20

Good morning Kangaroos and Giraffes.


Today in phonics, we would like you to make up some alien names, using the letter groups that we have been looking at this week – a-e, tch and i-e.

Can you write the alien names in your workbook and draw a picture of what the alien might look like?

Can you write a silly sentence about your alien?


Yesterday we asked you to find out where the rainforest animal that you had chosen lives in the rainforest.

Today we would like you to find out what sort of food the animal likes to eat, where it finds the food and how it eats it.

Red/Possums/Blue/Green, Wombats/Koalas – In your workbooks, we would like you to make a list of the different food that the animal would eat, and draw a picture at the side of each food.

Yellow and crocodiles – We would like you to draw pictures of the food that the animal would eat, and have a go at labelling it with the help of a grown up.

We would like you to find out if your animal is carnivore, herbivore or omnivore.


Why not go outside or for a walk in your local area and have a look at the plants that you can see. Can you name any of the parts of the plants? Leaf, stem? Are they flowers or trees?

Don’t forget to get your grown-up to email us with any of the work you have been completing.

Have a super weekend. Remember to stay safe.

From Mrs Eades and Mrs Attwood