• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Home Learning – 01.05.20

Good morning Kangaroos and Giraffes,


Today in phonics, we would like you to make up some alien names, using the letter groups that we have been looking at this week – oa, ee, oo, ar

Can you write the alien names in your workbook and draw a picture of what the alien might look like?

Can you write a silly sentence about your alien?



We need to find the dragon, and we need your help!

We would like you to design a ‘missing poster’ for your dragon.

Things to put on the poster.

  • Picture of the dragon
  • Name of the dragon
  • What the dragon looks like – colour, height, and length of tail.
  • Character – is it mean, kind, terrifying, helpful, sly?
  • Why it is wanted
  • Reward!

Design and Technology

Kings and Queens in the medieval times had the most fantastic banquets. They ate some very interesting foods! Have a look on the internet at some of the food. Some banquets had 7 courses! Can you imagine eating 7 courses of food! That is a lot.

Now we want you to design a banquet fit for a King and Queen, what exciting foods are you going to serve. You could look at some recipe books with your grown-up and even help make some of the food. Please send us pictures if you do!

Don’t forget to get your grown-up to email us with any of the work you have been completing.

Have a lovely weekend. Remember to stay home and stay safe.

From Mrs Eades and Mrs Attwood