• School will be closed on Thursday 4th July for General Election voting


In Purston Infant School our Upper Foundation Stage has two classes. Elephants class and Monkeys class both have the capacity to take up to 30 children in each.

In Monkeys we have the following staff who work together to teach our children.

Mrs Hall – Teacher – Monkeys class teacher
Miss Howitt – Teacher – Monkeys class teacher 
Mrs Morgan – Nursery Nurse
Mrs Abson – Classroom Assistant
Mrs Moxon – Classroom Assistant

Mrs Beresford – Classroom Assistant
Miss Bucktrout – Classroom Assistant
Miss Hey – Classroom Assistant
Mrs Siddall- Lunchtime Supervisor

To contact please email: monkeysclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk

Phonics Speed Sounds

Every day we would like you to practice your phonics sounds. Our English Hub leaders have been developing videos to help you do this. This is the video for level 1 sounds. As more are made we will add them to our page, Click the link below to practice level 1 sounds.

Level 1 sounds – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRTxeLkUaCI