• School will close on Friday 4th April for the Easter break at the earlier time of 2.30pm


We are a school with a two form entry and can take up to 60 children in any one year group, with two classes per year group.

Classes are organised into two Stages, Foundation Stage; Lower Foundation Stage & Upper Foundation; and Key Stage 1; Y1 and Y2. Each class are named after an animal.

Click on a class to find out more information and to see what each class have been up to this term.

Foundation Stage

Foundation Stage is both Nursery (Lower Foundation Stage) and the two reception classes (Upper Foundation Stage).

The aim of the Foundation Stage is to provide a curriculum based on the ‘Development Matters’ guidance which is broad and balanced. The curriculum is based on seven areas of learning, three of which are Prime Areas (Communication & Language, Personal and Social and Physical) and the other four are specific areas. (Literacy, Mathematical, Understanding the World and Expressive Art & Design). Children will be assessed against these areas using the Early Years Profile.

Play based learning underpins the early years. Children learn through focused activities which are sometimes teacher led, and through continuous provision. Children have the opportunity to access provision such as water, construction, reading, mark-making, malleable play and the outdoor area.

The Lower Foundation Stage has seventy-eight places to accommodate children, starting the term after their third birthday. These are divided into two sessions, morning and afternoon.
All children are given the opportunity of at least one year in LFS and are admitted according to age. Children in LFS are assessed within the first two weeks of entering in order to plan their next steps in learning. Children move into Upper Foundation the year in which they are five years old. Children in Upper Foundation Stage will undertake the NFER Reception Baseline assessment within the first 6 weeks of them starting full time school.

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 1 comprises of two Year 1 classes and two Year 2 classes, with the capacity to take up to 30 children in each class.

In Key Stage 1 we build on the early years by following the statutory requirements of the New National Curriculum. The subjects covered are English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, History, Geography, Design & Technology, Art & Design, Music, PE and RE.

We present the curriculum in a variety of ways: topic work which uses many subject areas, separate subject teaching, class teaching, group and individual teaching. The aim in all our teaching is to guarantee your child’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum matched their abilities.

Provision is made for pupils with extra learning needs or disabilities including support from outside agencies where appropriate, to enable them to play a full part in school activities. Further details can be found in the Disability and Discrimination Policy which is available in school.

Children will be assessed in all subjects using teacher assessment in both year groups. Year 2 assessments are reported to the local authority, in order to establish how well the school is performing against National expectations. An average Year 2 child will be expected to reach the National standard by the end of Key Stage 1.

Year 1 children will undertake a phonics screening check at the end of the year, and again these results are reported nationally.