• School will be closed on Thursday 4th July for General Election voting

Important Notices

No important notices today!

Class Activity

Our Reading Space

Elephant class are getting comfy in their Reading Space and enjoying reading stories to each other and sharing their books. We are enjoying listening to ... read more

Remembrance service 2019

Remembrance service 2019 read more

Purston Park Visit

Giraffe class had a lovely, wet time at Purston Park collecting natural materials for their art project. They are learning about Andy Goldsworthy who creates ... read more

Pumpkin carving

Elephants and Monkeys had a super time carving a very giant pumpkin that was kindly donated to us by one of our grandad’s. Thank yo Mr Ellison, we ... read more

Visit from the award winning photographer Doug Allan

Today we had a special visitor in Year 2 – Doug Allan, award winning photographer and cameraman who has worked with Sir David Attenborough. We have ... read more

Featherstone Rocks

We as a school have taken part in #Featherstonerocks, the children from year 2 have painted lots of poppies on to various rocks. These will be placed ... read more


Take a look at some of our photos from our tagtiv8 session. read more

Phonics Speed Sounds

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