• School will be closed on Thursday 4th July for General Election voting

Important Notices

No important notices today!

Class Activity

Home Learning 13.5.20

Wednesday 13th May 2020 Hello Crocodiles, Make sure you email a photo of your medal for the VE day competition to our class email: crocodilesclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk ... read more

Home Learning 13.5.20

Home Learning Wednesday 13th May 2020 Hello Monkeys and Elephants, Make sure you email a photo of your medal for the VE day competition to your class email, ... read more

Home Learning – 13.05.20

Good morning Kangaroos and giraffes! Phonics Today we are looking at the letter group ‘oy’. How many words can you think of? Choose your favourite ... read more

VE Day Medal

Jake has sent in this lovely medal design for our competition! Thank you Jake! I think we now have 4 entries, so don’t forget if you want to enter, ... read more

Home Learning 12.5.20

Tuesday 12th May 2020 Hello Tigers and Lions, On the front of your folder is either a yellow, blue or red sticker.  Please complete the activity with ... read more

Home Learning – 12.05.20

Good morning Giraffes and Kangaroos! Phonics How many words can you think of that have the letter group ‘qu’ in them? Can you write the words in your ... read more

Home Learning 12.5.20

Home Learning Tuesday 12th May 2020 Hello Monkeys and Elephants, Don’t forget to send a photo of your medal designs to your class email to enter the ... read more

Home Learning 12.5.20

Tuesday 12th May 2020 Hello Crocodiles, I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s home learning activities. Remember to share a story with a loved one today! ... read more

VE Day photos – Ellis

Thank you to Ellis for sending in these lovely photos of VE day, as well as his medal design. It looks like you had a great time Ellis! read more