• School will be closed on Thursday 4th July for General Election voting

Important Notices

No important notices today!

Class Activity

First few weeks of Year 1

Giraffe class have settled in fantastically to their new class and have adapted so well to all the changes at this strange time. They have started so well ... read more

Welcome to Reception!

We are so excited to see all of our new starters in Monkeys and Elephants tomorrow! πŸ™‚ Here are two little videos we have done to show everyone how you ... read more

Home Learning 17/7/20

Hello Monkeys and Elephants, We have reached the last day of the half term. I hope you have enjoyed taking part in our home learning. Today, I would like ... read more

Home Learning 17.7.20

Friday 17th July 2020 Hello Crocodiles, We have reached the last day of our school year. I hope you have enjoyed taking part in our home learning. Thank ... read more

Home Learning – 17.07.20

Good morning Kangaroos and Giraffes. We have made it. This is the end. What a journey we have been on. English Today we would like you to think about what ... read more

Home Learning 16/7/20

Hello Monkeys and Elephants, We are nearly at the end of our last week in Elephants and Monkeys. Today we are looking back on your favourite memories in ... read more

Home Learning 15 & 16.7.20

Thursday 16th July Hello Crocodiles, We hope that you are enjoying this weeks activities. Any home learning you complete this week can be sent to your ... read more

Home Learning – 16.07.20

Good morning Kangaroos and Giraffes, Phonics Today we are looking at the letter group air as in hair and –are as in scarecrow. Have a go at reading these ... read more

Home Learning – 15.07.20

Good morning Kangaroos and Giraffes, Phonics Today we are looking at the letter group ear as in ear and eer as in deer. Have a go at reading these sentences: ... read more