• We will be celebrating Comic Relief Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March with a wear red day.

Autumn 2

As we begin to come to the end of our first full term I am begin to see all of Giraffe class making super progress. They have all worked so hard and I am looking forward to the next two weeks of Christmas themed activities and celebrating their hard work.


They have smashed their Maths work and are really beginning to understand numbers to 20. We have counted in 2s and 5s and compared groups of numbers.


The children have loved reading the story ‘Litterbug Doug’. They have done so much work linked to this. We have used adjectives in our writing to describe characters, created new characters and even made our own litterbug puppets linked to our science topic, materials.

Art and Design

We have looked at two artists this half term that use natural resources to create their art work, Andy Goldsworthy and Nils-Udo. The children created some FANTASTIC work using the outdoors and natural resources.

Well done everyone. I can not wait to see what amazing work you produce in the next half term.