• School will close on Friday 4th April for the Easter break at the earlier time of 2.30pm


It is important that children are on time for both the morning and afternoon sessions. Any persistent absences or lateness will be monitored and reported to the Educational Welfare Officer if necessary, in line with our attendance policy. Holidays will not be authorised in term time in line with the pyramid policy, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Further clarification can be seen in the attendance policy.

Classroom doors will be closed promptly at 9am and registration closes at 9.10 am. Parents should bring late children to the main entrance where they will be asked to give reasons for lateness. This will be noted on a late arrival form.

Please notify us by phone using the school absence line to let us know if your child is going to be absent and explain the reason why. In order to ensure the safety and well-being of your child, we will contact you if we have not received notification from you.

We ask that parents inform the class teacher of their child’s appointments so that they can be appropriately marked in the Register. Children returning after an appointment need to sign in at the school office. Evidence of your child’s appointment will be requested. (Letter, appointment card, text message)